die(); The Martin Story - Serialnumberlist

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When was you Martin saxophone made

If you want to know how old your saxophone is you need the serialnumber of your horn. (you can find it on the back of the body near the righthand thumbrest).

(MHO) There are TWO ranges of serialnumbers.
Range 1 for the professional Martin instruments.
Range 2 for their student/Intermediate line

For the following horns you will need to use range 2.: Indiana, Imperials (modern ones), Medalists

When range 2 reached 100.000 they also switched to the range 1 for their student/Intermediate line

For all the other models you can use range 1

To found out the age of your horn just look for the serialnumber closest to yours. This is no rocketscience, and you probably will not find the exact number of your horn in this list.

I believe that the serialnumber range 1 of the Martin plant is used for all Martin made instruments. Meaning, you can also date trumpets, trombone and other horns with this list.
But remember, this is not exact science.

Year Serial# range 1 Serial# range 2
1919 17221  
1920 19482  
1921 19933  
1922 29942  
1923 34838  
1924 40644  
1925 48489  
1926 67852  
1927 79254  
1928 86687  
1929 92536 1027
1930 98324 2982
1931 101622 7119
1932 105096  
1933 106546  
1934 108301 & bsp;
1935 111253 10758
1936 116551 14526
1937 118038 15396
1938 126998 18861
1939 132070 20563
1940 136040 23231
1941 140199 24572
1942 144455 26643
1943 145322  
1944 Production stop  
1945 145352  
1946 154289  
1947 161520  
1948 165326  
1949 170395  
1950 172215  
1951 175140  
1952 179317 41693
1953 183125 45824
1954 187614 49586
1955 193747  
1956 196213 56162
1957 201917 66719
1958 203809 66727
1959 205377 70988
1960 209089 76224
1961 211675 81885
1962 213999 87850
1963 218855  
1967 305102